Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 22: You’re kidding me right?

Oh god, what now?  I don’t like saying “you’re kidding me…right?” because that means it’s something outrageous.

Dove chocolate…my FAVORITE!  Suzanne brought a BAG of them!!!  You’re kidding me right?

She gave everyone 1 chocolate heart…dark chocolate :-/  I’ll deal.

We put them on our mats and had to do these things called, “Floppy burpee” (lets make that plural…floppy burpies..?)…look them up.  Basically you end up flopped on your mat and we had to kiss the heart shaped dove chocolates and make a smacking sound with each kiss….you’re kidding me right?

We also had to put them under us and do pushups low enough to kiss them..again making that kissing smacking sound.   Do you know how low of a push up you have to do to kiss a chocolate heart under you!?  You’re kidding me right?!

We did a lot of running and crunching and mountain climbers and running backwards and pushups and tricep dips and more pushups…and running.  I noticed today that my stamina is like 100xs better than it was 5 weeks ago!!  I was in the top 5 finishing vs the end of the group like I was in the beginning.  I was able to keep up the entire time we ran even if we were just running from one area to the next to start new exercises. 
Someone even commented on my stamina :-D and how great I am and how much improvement I’ve made.
I hope that wasn’t a fluke…

The key is when you think you can’t run anymore…keep running.  That’s when you make progress.

So I guess "you're kidding me right?" wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...it wasn't a ridiculously outrageous thing...it was a funny thing.

I just ate that chocolate heart…Dove can make even dark chocolate decent!

Day 21: May I have another

So obviously I’ve been slacking on blogging.  Suzanne hasn’t really been emailing us our topics at the beginning of the week…so I like to think that makes me slack off.


Another card game.  We started out with a set of 10 for each exercise (I think it was like at least 5 different exercises…that doesn’t sound right…it must have been more), did some cardio, then one person picked a number out of a bucket (1-10…but Suzanne took out 1-4).  The first number was 6, so then we did all 5 (but I’m sure it was more than 5) different exercises 16 time, did more cardio.  Then another person picked a number out of the bucket and got 7….so we did all “5” exercise 23 times…see what she did there?  Then more cardio.  I'm sure we did more than that, I mean we have a whole hour...but I can't remember.

Tomorrow:  "You're kidding me right?"...I'm scared...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 17: Deuces Wild

My legs are so sore from all the lunges yesterday!!  And my skin is sore from the massage!!

While getting dressed this morning into my work out clothing I stopped and checked my back…just to make sure I don’t have a ton of bruises from the massage…I don’t (well none that are visible..I’m sure they’re there).

Deuces wild..sounds fun, Jason and I are going to Vegas soon..what a coincidence.  We started out with a warm up of 45 friggin lunges, 45 of these things called “skaters” which are another form of friggin lunges (and we use our weights for all of these), and a ton of ab work.  We then broke into partners.  I typically sit by the same people every day since we all set up in the same spots.  There’s this woman who obviously has been doing camp and running like her entire life.  She kicks major ass.  She could be a coach.  She runs really fast all the time, does all the exercises to the fullest all the time and is just pretty amazing all the time.  She turned to me and said, “Wanna be my partner?”  I said sure since I figured everyone else had already partnered…I knew in the beginning my day would suck….I really wanted to partner with the chubby girl

So there was a deck of cards spread out face down on the floor.  Each suit was an exercise (ex spades were friggin lunges…with weights of course) and each number was the number of times we did it, times 2.  So a 9 of spades meant we did the lunges 18 times.  Face cards, including ace meant 10, so 20 times. 

After each card exercise we grabbed a jump rope and ran around the parking lot once while jump roping, we then dropped the rope and ran around it again backwards, we then ran around one more time forwards, went back, and drew another card.  We did this as long as we had left for the remaining camp time.  My partner and I ended up with 8 total cards..the goal was to try to get to 10 (I think we had the most of any other group).

At one point on one of our backwards laps one of the veterans asked me if “Mary [is my] partner?”  “Yep” I said.  She then said, “Bet you won’t make that mistake again”….all I could say was (I was trying not to fall on my ass and this was after running like a million laps) “I didn’t do it on purpose.”  She then tried to make light of the situation by saying, “She’s a good partner, she really pushes you.”

Anyway, my legs hurt..my skin still hurts..but it was kinda cool to do all that running and actually do it.  I felt obligated cause, again, I don't like to let my partner down.  But I still hate running/cardio.

Day 16: Rocky Monday Madness

::cue “Eye of the Tiger”::

Monady, very wet.  Class is never cancelled.  There’s a small covered section of the park near the entrance.  It’s the only covered area of the entire park and it’s too small to stay dry.  Thankfully not everyone showed up because we were so cramped there’s no way we could’ve fit one more person. 

We worked with a partner and I partnered up with (I’ve never mentioned her before, but..) Joe from the original HWoOC’s twin (not literally, but she reminds me of her SOOO much!).  She’s young and parties and my first impression of her was overhearing her talk to someone about some sugar daddy that took her out and paid for everything (NY Eve).

We did a ton of lunges and arm things…oh and crunches..and a bunch of other things, but I can’t remember what they’re called.  When the wind blew it blew the rain right into us so while I was on my back doing crunches my whole front was getting rained on.  I started out wearing a jacket and soon took it off and sported my tank top…it was 40 some degrees and too hot!

It was nice, but I made the decision if it’s raining tomorrow, I don’t think I’ll go.  I was cold to the BONE after camp.

Before camp I scheduled a massage :-D  So I got home, had a quick protein shake.  Turned on the fire to warm the dog and try to warm myself and dry my clothes (I wasn’t about to put clean clothes on after working out and not showering).  I got to my appointment (and used one of my gift certificates that my lovely husband bought me for Christmas) and there she was…Minja…she’s pretty awesome…until she started my deep tissue.  I haven’t been to her in a while so I forgot how painful she is!  I kept having an out of body experience where all of the sudden, I felt nothing…then I’d be snapped back into my body and feel all the pain!  I love how she’s so thorough though!...I’m going to hurt tomorrow.      

::cue “Gonna Fly Now”::

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 13: HIIT me with your best shot

High Intensity Interval Training

Not sure why the word “interval” is in there…felt like there was no “interval” of anything.

Wednesday.  Cardio day.  ::sigh::
I’ve included a picture of where we ran.  This picture does not do it justice.  It was mostly uphill, and the part that’s lined thick means we did it multiple times….multiple doesn’t mean 2 or 3, I’m talking way more than 4 times!!  (if you can't read the yellow writing, we started on the left side of the screen, ran down and around, and ended up on the right side of the screen).  

It was torture.  All I wanted was water the entire time.  I was so thirsty.  I started fantasizing about the dew on the grass.  It looked so good.  The leaves and grass blades were so shiny with spots of water.  I then started looking for a hose, or sprinklers, ANYTHING!  But, there was nothing.  No water.  Nothing. 

My calves were so tight.  I’m gonna hurt tomorrow.  At one point for a long time my leg and foot went numb.  No, my shoe wasn’t too tight…I’m careful about that.  Suzanne said I should go see their chiropractor…..uuummm, ok, but I don’t believe in chiropractors.  I think maybe I need new shoes though because I started hurting; ankles, knees, etc.  I took my shoe off and moved my foot around and it started feeling better…but when I started moving again my leg got tight and numb again.  Made it really difficult to run!

Until next time....

Day 12: Work your booty

So we did a lot of the “Brazilian butt lift” work out…and a non-surgical tummy tuck.  Not much to say about it....I think I may like the surgical work :-)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 11: There’s no Try in Tri

…only do.

So I did.

We did triceps today…lots and lots of triceps.  I thought maybe with the title having “Tri” in it we’d be doing something with 3…nope.  We did tricep dips 10 times, then a different type of triceps, then a different one, then a different one…ok we did 7 different tricep dips 10 times a piece (I remember there were 7 because she called it a “7 layer dip”…it’s not as appetizing as it sounds).  Then we ran and sprinted and ran and sprinted, 5 times.  Then we did the 7 layer dips again at 10 apiece.  Then we took a few mins and did it again at 10 apiece.  We did squats working triceps, 3 different kinds of push ups and more triceps. 

My arms are a little tired, but not too bad.  My traps on the other hand are pretty sore…so is my ankle.  I remember running back to our mats and I stepped funny.  I thought “ouch” in the moment, but didn’t think anything else of it.  Now my ankle is really sore.

I think that I drink too much water on breaks cause after breaks my stomach feels sick…it aches when we work out hard and when we run I feel like throwing up (lol).  But I can’t help it!!  I get soooo thirsty!!!

I have a confession to make…I ate a donut…GAH!  I KNOW!  I don’t know what came over me!!  Don't tell my husband LOL.  I think it's out of my system now.  But shit on the ride home right after all that working out I want everything I can't have!  I drive by that Chinese food place, I drive by donuts, Popeye's, McDonald's and so much more lol.
Until tomorrow.....I hope my ankle feels better!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 10: Celebrity Beach Body Workout (who is it??)

It’s not what you think….or at least, not what I thought.  We were quizzed on what celebrity it could possibly be and it ends up Jessical Biel.  They gave us a handout with a picture of

and how she typically eats.

Breakfast:  1 cup of oatmeal with a handful of berries or oatmeal with diced apple and cinnamon, a side of protein (typically 1 egg scrambled with 3 egg whites)
Snack 1:  1 slice whole wheat toast with almond butter and sliced bananas
Lunch:  Vitamin-rich salad (spinach, asparagus, broccoli) dressed with lemon and a teaspoon of olive oil or vinaigrette plus 5-6 oz of chicken
Snack 2:  A banana or apple or strawberries with protein drink made with nonfat organic milk
Dinner:  6 oz of fish, plate full of veggies, ½ cup of low-glycemic basmati rice.  A couple pieces of dark chocolate.

She always goes for non-processed foods.  She eats complex carbs at the beginning of the day and tapers off.  And she does not have a scale at home because she doesn’t care about her weight.

She works out 6 days a week for 45 minutes.

And so we did her work out.  We did several plyometrics and some sprints.  Apparently Suzanne had Biel’s business partner in Boot Camp for a long time,  but then she moved to some other state for a movie they were producing.  Biel's workout really isn't that bad...but the food is shit.  I'm starting to really get pissed about the healthy crap.

I had subway today.  I asked for a nutritional guide and I looked at it (he gave it to me after I ordered)…what I got wasn’t that bad (besides it being completely processed)…and I left out the chips and soda part.  I’ve just been craving stuff!!
I’m sick of chicken
I’m sick of salads
I want a steak and potatoes
I want a cheese burger so FREAKING BAD

And why the hell ain’t I skinny yet?!?!

Something interesting I saw while driving home…and I really wanted to take a picture of it, but there was no way I could safely maneuver getting close to it…

It was purple like this and it may have had lightening stripes on it.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 9: Century Workout

As I thought, century means 100…Century Workout means you do everything 100 times.  O…M…G…

We did 100 mountain climbers, 100 squats and arm lifts, 100 downhill skiers, and a bunch of 100 other things.  Why don’t I feel the burn?  I mean sure I do in the moment, but after…not so much.  I mean I guess I can’t complain too much.  I can sit on the toilet, get off the couch, bend over to get laundry, etc…but “no pain, no gain” I wonder if I’m making progress…?  P.S.  I hate that guy who came up with that phrase.

I was feeling mostly better today…woke up starving and with a headache (must be dehydration) cause really I didn’t eat all day yesterday.  I made 1 egg + 1 egg white and ate that for breakfast.  I was hoping that wouldn’t be too much in my stomach right before a work out, but I was so hungry!  It was delish and I did just fine.

Apparently all they did yesterday was run up and down hills….part of me is glad I missed that…the other part is bummed.  If I don’t do it I won’t get any better.  (Speaking of…Jessica was gone again today!!  Seriously, I mean we pay for this stuff and she’s missed 5 out of 9 classes).

On another note, J sent me to the bank to deposit some money for him.  The bank happened to be downwind of the Popeye’s Chicken & Biscuits today….toooorture!

ONE “fun size” candy bar just isn’t enough.

Hamburger Helper: Cheeseburger Macaroni is looking really good. 

I still really want a donut, chinese food, BREAD AND BUTTER.....

Unrelated.  We do these overhead presses with these bands...and they pinch my skin.  I think I mentioned it in an earlier post, that Suzanne said, "You're a boot camper now"

 This picture just doesn't do my bruise justice.

My knee is pretty bruised too (working out on concrete)

Anyway...The Hill is still difficult to get up.  I think I've found that if I keep my head down it's not too overwhelming (lol).  I found myself day dreaming as I was walking up it that I had a bike...and then I thought, no, not a bike, I'd have to work on a bike...I'd like a gas scooter!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 8: Speed Demons

Today was really discouraging.  I got up, got dressed and headed to the park…not feeling too great the whole time, but thinking the adrenaline would help me through the morning.  When Suzanne pulled up I asked her what the plan was…she said lots of running.  There’s no way.  I was hoping I could do weight stuff, but there’s no way I can run.  My stomach feels like it wants to jump out my throat and my colon wants to slither out my…

I told her I came, I tried and I can’t do it.  She said that was ok and she was really proud of me for coming and trying.  She said to go home, take some probiotics and get in bed and hopefully I’ll feel better tomorrow.   She said I’ve done great this past week and to take care of myself. 

I came home right away.  Good thing too cause I as siiick the second I got home.  I went to bed and slept until almost 1.  When I got up I thought I was feeling better… I ate a little something and started feeling sick all over again.  I’m hoping it’s just the Indian food.  J says it’s probably because my body isn’t used to the rich food since I’ve been eating better.

I just want to feel better.  If I have to take time off that’ll just really discourage me from continuing.

On another note…there’s a contest going on (well there’s a couple of them, but I’m only going to talk about one) and you can sign up anytime in January.  Once you sign up you have 12 weeks to get into the best shape of your life.  They give you a meal plan and what not and I guess the grand prize is $25,000.  There’s a woman in camp that is doing it.  So she’s “doing doubles” which means doing the 5:30AM class and then my 8:30AM class….why?  Why kill yourself to lose?  I would never (lol)  I’d have to seriously deprive myself of food and enjoyable couch time to lose weight and get cut….to lose $25,000?? LOL….good for her though….

Anyway, we’ll see how tomorrow goes.  I’m a little afraid to eat dinner.  I hope I can make it tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

Oh god…century means 100 right?...