Each day has a theme. Day one, Monday 1/2/2012 was "Nobody ever Drowned in Sweat!" I hardly remember what we did...lots of..working out.
Let me back up. We work out at Craig Park in Fullerton. We have to park off Rolling Hills (just remember the name of that street) and State College. I get there early and read a little in my car. I see a couple ladies walking to where we meet (I know this by their work out clothes, bags and mats in hand). I decide to follow them as I don't know where we meet.
OMG there's a giant hill we have to walk down to get to where we meet..this sucks, but I don't realize yet just how bad it sucks.
I sit on the basketball court on my mat and wait. The coach Suzanne pulls up in her car in the parking lot close to the basketball court (wait...why can't I park there???)
It's all a blur what we do on Monday. After class my muscles are tired, not sore (yet), just exhausted. I end up walking to the car with a girl I met, Jessica, this was her first day too.
"How many days did you sign up for?" she asks
I don't expect much chatter as we're hiking up that GIANT HILL "I think I'm going to fall and roll down this hill....its so steep" I'm seriously worried I won't be able to make it back to my car without injuring myself...I mean seriously you have to see this friggin' hill.
"You can do it, I have faith in you" she says...I want to kick her then.
I'm carrying my sweater, it was cold at first, a couple water bottles, my mat, 2 5lb weights and my car keys.
I fell into the car a few minutes later (literally, fell..well more like flopped all 100+lbs of me...I'm not even going to give a ballpark of my weight). I decide then that I won't be carrying 2 5lbs weights anymore...I'm gonna get a bag..maybe a backpack to keep the weight even instead of on one side.
I get home, drink a protein shake and take a shower. Shit this protein stuff is thick...I mean at least it tastes like chocolate milk.
Later that day I go to bed...aww this feels SO good!
Ahahahahaha! I know that hill!