Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 8: Speed Demons

Today was really discouraging.  I got up, got dressed and headed to the park…not feeling too great the whole time, but thinking the adrenaline would help me through the morning.  When Suzanne pulled up I asked her what the plan was…she said lots of running.  There’s no way.  I was hoping I could do weight stuff, but there’s no way I can run.  My stomach feels like it wants to jump out my throat and my colon wants to slither out my…

I told her I came, I tried and I can’t do it.  She said that was ok and she was really proud of me for coming and trying.  She said to go home, take some probiotics and get in bed and hopefully I’ll feel better tomorrow.   She said I’ve done great this past week and to take care of myself. 

I came home right away.  Good thing too cause I as siiick the second I got home.  I went to bed and slept until almost 1.  When I got up I thought I was feeling better… I ate a little something and started feeling sick all over again.  I’m hoping it’s just the Indian food.  J says it’s probably because my body isn’t used to the rich food since I’ve been eating better.

I just want to feel better.  If I have to take time off that’ll just really discourage me from continuing.

On another note…there’s a contest going on (well there’s a couple of them, but I’m only going to talk about one) and you can sign up anytime in January.  Once you sign up you have 12 weeks to get into the best shape of your life.  They give you a meal plan and what not and I guess the grand prize is $25,000.  There’s a woman in camp that is doing it.  So she’s “doing doubles” which means doing the 5:30AM class and then my 8:30AM class….why?  Why kill yourself to lose?  I would never (lol)  I’d have to seriously deprive myself of food and enjoyable couch time to lose weight and get cut….to lose $25,000?? LOL….good for her though….

Anyway, we’ll see how tomorrow goes.  I’m a little afraid to eat dinner.  I hope I can make it tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

Oh god…century means 100 right?...

1 comment:

  1. Just the thought of a slithering colon grosses me out.
